Diamond Shark has been very quiet about its newest second-line 'Mech,
the Ha Otoko. The warriors of most other Clans prefer to reserve
judgment on the design, though the merchant castes of several Clans
already have expressed grave misgivings about the intended use of
the 'Mech.
On the surface, the Ha Otoko follows typical Clan design conventions
for a second-line BattleMech. It uses no upgraded technologies, making
it cost-effective and durable, and allowing easy logistical support
in the field. Because it lacks double heat sinks, its weapons array
is planned around a high heat curve. The machine is well-armored and
carries enough ammunition to participate in extended operations.
The merchant caste of Clan Jade Falcon first raised concerns about
Diamond Shark's intent with this BattleMech. They pointed to the oriental
influence in the BattleMech's physical lines and the Japanese name,
neither of which is typical of the Clans. (Ha Otoko translates
very roughly as the Bladed Man, possibly referring to the knife-blade
architecture of the BattleMech's armor.) Finally, the Ha Otoko would
fit the Inner Sphere style of combat very well, working as a missile
support 'Mech within a lance. Though the Falcon merchants have not
levied a formal charge, it seems clear that they suspect Clan Diamond
Shark of planning to sell this design within the Inner Sphere.
Technical Readout 3060
2 LRM-20
2 LRM-10