Guillotine (70t)
Model by Primus
The Guillotine
is a venerable design. Commissioned in 2499, the 'Mech saw action
in every major Star League Defense Forces action and every major Successor
State conflict. The Guillotine was the standard heavy 'Mech for generations,
working with companies of Griffins to provide heavy firepower. As
time passed, however, technological improvements made bigger 'Mechs
possible, and today the Guillotine is no longer as common as it was
in the past. Few of the newer, heavier 'Mechs can match the Guillotine's
maneuverability, but the Guillotine's firepower is no longer exceptional.
Consequently, its role on the modern battlefield has changed. Instead
of serving as a front-line BattleMech, the Guillotine now serves almost
exclusively as a raider. |