Ti Ts'ang (60t)
Model by Primus
The Ti Ts'ang debuted around 3060 as the Capellan Confederation's first homegrown, heavyweight, melee BattleMech design. With it four-ton battle axe, driven by a powerful triple-strength myomer muscles, and a battery of medium- and short-range lasers, this 'Mech is a master of close-range brawling, with the armor and speed to bring all its fearsome power to bear in a pitched firefight.

Mass: 60 tons
Chassis: SL Special
Power Plant: 360 Hermes XL
Cruising Speed: 65 kph, 76 kph w/Triple -Strength Myomer
Maximum Speed: 65 kph, 119 kph w/Triple-Strength Myomer
Jump Jets: Chevron I
Armor: Durallex Heavy

5 Diverse Optics Extended-Range Medium Lasers
4 Diverse Optics Extended-Range Small Lasers