Invader class JumpShip (152.000t)
Model by Primus

The Invader Class JumpShip is the most common JumpShip in the Successor States and the Clan occupation zone. First launched in 2631, the versatile vessel has met with surprising success and is popular with both military units and commercial users. Almost the entire current production of the Invader is being purchased by military users.
The pair of large hydroponics domes mounted on booms on either side of the Invader's command section is the most distinctive feature of the design. These facilities produce enough food and oxygen for the JumpShip crew and create enough surplus to trade with transported DropShips. These hydroponic gardens are fully automated on most Invaders.
The Invader is one of the few Inner Sphere designs whose original meteor-defense system also provided an offensive capability. The original design featured a pair of special-purpose, long-range lasers, but maintenance problems led manufacturers to replace this system with either large lasers or PPCs. However, these replacement weapons provide little more than psychological support for the crew.
The Invader's sophisticated communication system and computers make it an ideal vessel for coordinating a task force. The vessel can maintain radio- and laser-link feeds up to ten transmitting stations.
The Invader appears just as popular with the Clans as with the Inner Sphere militaries. Invaders compose most of the clans' transport fleets, although newer and larger vessels are beginning to displace a number of the original craft.

Source: Technical Readout 3057
Length: 505 meters
Mass: 152.000 tons
Sail diameter: 1024 meters
Crew: 24
Cost: 500.000.000 C-Bills

2 PPCs or 2 Large Laser