Cougar (35t)
by Primus
her Clan's Trial of Refusal against Clan Wolf in 3057, Khan Marthe
Pryde of Clan Jade Falcon wanted to bring new and deadly OmniMechs
to the field of battle. Knowing she had already taxed her Clan to
the limit in the conflict with Clan Wolf, she took an unprecedented
step. Rather than building a new OmniMech from the ground up, she
assigned the Jade Falcon scientist caste the job of modifying a proven
design into an even deadlier war machine. Beginning with a stock chassis
from a Clan Adder (designated Puma by Inner Sphere forces), Clan Jade
Falcon scientists managed to field a virtually new design, code-named
the Cougar, in roughly half the time normally required to construct
and test a new OmniMech. Jade Falcon technicians gave the Cougar more
pod space to allow for a greater variety of larger weapons. To accomplish
this, they replaced the 210 XL engine with a 175 XL model. The overall
consensus was that the increased firepower more than made up for the
new 'Mech's slower movement rate. Source:
Technical Readout 3060 |